
A Man Worth

Morning. Yea I know it's soooo early in the morning.
Sorry I've been... What's it called? Postponing to post? Yea whatever. I feel sooo far away from this blog, you know since when, HIGH SCHOOL.

Well, now I'm not going to give a damn about schools, the duty, tasks, teachers, and many other sucks because HELL-O, people have 'em daily-_- should I talk more about it?

Okay, back to topic. You know, I've ever tell all my friends that "It doesn't matter how ugly a man is, if he is your boyfriend, he will make you feel like 'OH MY GOOOD, he's my boyfriend.' Or 'WTF he's damn handsome and I never know before!'" And it is proven.

Actually, I said this because I get that feeling. Often. And tonight I just opened some of my boyf's pics and feel 'Hey, can't believe you're my man!'. Or when he came to my house, and I stared at him then I... Amazed. And sooooooo many stories by friends told me.

Well maybe not all of you ever get this feeling. You know why? Maybe you should try to love your man at all costs. No matter what he has, no matter who he is, love him all the way he is. Then you'll get your own prince charming.

So Girls, make him your own prince charming and love him at all costs.
Boys, find a girl who loves you the most.



so MUCH sorry I've got to say.
I've got no recent post here because Ive been so busy lately.
see you soon :)


inspiration. inspiring. inspired.


Bt gue ribut sama orang orang di sekitar gue tentang inspirasi. Jadi orang harus inspiratif.

Oh ya?

Persepsi gue, inspiratif itu... Relatif. Ya kan? Apa punya blog sama aja punya tanggung jawab harus inspiratif? Nggak tuh. Prinsip gue, ini blog lo, tanggung jawab atas apa yang lo tulis. Tanggung jawab atas perspektif lo. Blog bukan tempat curhat menurut gue. Oke ajasih, tapi mungkin bukan diari ya. Kenapa? Emang yang baca cuma elo?

Well, balik ke topik soal menjadi inspiratif. Tapi gue bingung apa yang harus gue bahas lagi. So, intinya sebenernya post ini sedikit mengkonfirmasi buat semua temen temen gue, thanks sarannya. Dan.... Sedikit menyindir.

Ya kan?

Thanks aja ya.

konfirmasi. lagi.

Selamat siang.

Ya, singkat saja menanggapi adanya beberapa pihak yang mengeluh kepada saya. Saya cuma mau mengumumkan. Tentang MSN.

MSN saya sepenuhnya ganti. Bukan lagi nabzillaa@live.com. Kenapa? Karena msn yang itu disalahgunakan oleh pihak lain. Boro boro mau ngespam link nggak bener ke msn anda, sign in aja gabisa-.-

Msn saya ganti jadi AYAURF@LIVE.COM

Demikian konfirmasi dari saya. Bersama dengan ini juga saya minta maaf kalo msn lama saya ngespam. Itu bukan saya. Sumpah. Tolong di delete aja.



sad story. happy ending.

what a BAD DAY ever. but ended up slowly by killing time with you. oh. random afternoon.

picture taken from here
